Risks, Benefits, & Expectations of Counseling

Risks & Benefits

The benefits of counseling can possibly be life changing for some people. Life changing in a positive way. Some people grow and learn so much more about themselves, even things they were not aware of prior to beginning counseling. Please keep in mind that your personal counseling experience will be unique to you and may not produce the positive life changing result you may be seeking initially. In addition, there are times when counseling may pose a risk to some people. Some of the risk that may be involved in therapy consists of emotional discomfort, anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, etc. You may be challenged to think about your situation differently. This may or may not cause you some stress. The goal of counseling is to be a better you.


Counseling may be a breath of fresh air to some individuals while for others, it may be intimidating or scary. At Chat N Relax Counseling & Consultation, LLC, I will do my best to make sure you are very comfortable with the counseling process. Counseling requires a verbal exchange of information, a conversation between myself (therapist) and you/your loved one (client). You are required to come to your sessions prepared to talk and share. Talking & sharing is the only way we can work, discuss, and/or think about whatever may be troubling or concerning to you.

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